Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Feb 23, 2012 Thurs Day 14 Christchurch

Rained so hard overnight I expected to see Noah's Ark float by this morning and give us a ride to Christchurch.  We left Fairlie at 9:30, and before long  the sun came out.  After driving a few hours we pulled over at a picnic area and ate most of the leftover food for breakfast.  At 12:45 we arrived at the Top 10 in Christchurch.  Our final destination before our flight to Sydney, Australia tomorrow. We spent the rest of the day sitting outside enjoying the gorgeous weather.  Skyped with Teresa and Erin.  And sister Henny.

A kind employee offered to take our picture.
Last day in NZ. 

 My favorite excursion was Russell town in Bay of Islands, glowworms in Waitomi, Doubtful Sound Cruise and the 7 hr Elm Wildlife tour to see penguins and albatross.
We are all sorry to leave this beautiful Island, spectacular scenery and friendly and helpful people.
Throughout our 2 wks in NZ, the only time we had rain was during the night, or on our travelling days.  Like Marcel keeps saying, "God is looking after us".  And not just with the weather.

At night we went out to a Tai restaurant.
Marcel enjoying his last beer in NZ

Sharing a dessert. 

Immy's not sure if she'll get any!

One more sleep and we're off to Australia for brand new adventures, and to finally meet our new friends and adopted  family.  Chrissy, Ian, Karena and Nathan.  See you there.
Lot of love to you all.  And enormous hugs to all our grandchildren.   Alida, Marcel, Immy and Peter


  1. You may be leaving this beautiful island Alida and Marcel and Immy and Peter, but trust me, it will always be with you!
    What a beautiful picture of the four of you together! You all look so happy and peaceful.
    Thank you for sharing this incredible journey to New Zealand with us. The pictures and the descriptions have been fabulous! You made us feel like we were on your journey with you.
    You now have another incredible journey ahead of you ... Australia!
    Enjoy your time with Chrissy and Ian and Keeny and Nathan and tell them how much we love them and miss them.
    All our love,
    Janice & Paul

  2. Hi Alida,
    Liz Lapierre commented on your status update.
    Liz wrote: "Great photos, looks like you folks are having a wonderful time. Enjoy Australia and safe travels."
