Friday, February 24, 2012

Feb 24, 2012 Fri Day 15 Sydney, Australia

This is all we had in the fridge the morning we left NZ
Our last exciting "potty walk" in New Zealand before our drive to the airport.
We finally figured out who had the 'right of way' on the roundabouts.  

No one honked at us.  Kinda boring.
Last diesel stop.  Dropped off the motor home,  threw the keys in the door, and ran. We drove a total of 3944 k in NZ.  The gas was $2.12 per litre, but diesel was average $1.52.   

We spent an average of $9.08 per litre.  Not bad.   

This time it took them one hour to get my boarding pass in order.
They had to wait till the OK was rec'd from Australia to let me in.

 Leaving  N.Z.

Sydney, Australia. 

Again a lot of trouble with my passport.  Got hauled into a back room.
But they let me in.
Our first picture meeting our new family.   A huge huggy welcome.  

Chrissy and Karena made this sign to welcome us.  Sooo sweet.  
We were so touched and felt their heartfelt welcome. 

When we arrived at their home, Karena made these cupcakes to welcome us. 
 We all tried them. Delicious. 

Chrissy and Ian.  

Also a wonderful welcome with delicious platters. 

We sat outside till 10 at night.  (12 in NZ)   Ate passion fruit for the first time.
Had a super time with our new family.
We immediately felt at home here.  Beautiful family.  


  1. Glad you are all well! We are praying for your safety every day.

    just wondering...
    the 'please drive carefully' just above the 'welcome Immy, Alida, Marcel and Peter'...

    coincidence... or no?

  2. Wow! What a welcome! I am crying as I comment remembering our special moment being welcomed by them at the airport and the big sign and feeling so at home as soon as we stepped into their home. How I envy you right now!
    The food platters look so yummy ... I remember the delicious tropical fruit too!
    I hope you have a lot of fun tomorrow and Alida, there will definitely be some Kodak moments of the kangaroos and their little joeys.
    I love the photo of Chrissy and Ian in the kitchen ... oh the memories! Can't comment anymore ... I can't see through the tears.
    I love all of you!
    Love Janice & Paul

  3. P.S. Chrissy, is that big smile on your face because of all the goodies they brought you from Canada? I love you Honey! Mom

  4. Okay, I'm done crying now. I have to agree with Arlene about the sign. Gave me a chuckle.
    Boy, talk about planning your food supply! As always Alida, the photos are beautiful.
    Doesn't Keeny make the most delicious muffins? Can't wait until you meet her and Nathan!
    Are you taking the van tomorrow, or do the men get a chance to ride with Ian in his new Alpha Romeo?
    We miss everyone here at home, but are thrilled you are having such a great time!
    Love Janice & Paul

  5. So, Lida, what went wrong with your passport? This is a little worrying... They just might decide to keep you in Australia!
    Your aerial shots are a study in contrasts - New Zealand all mountains and your first photo of Australia shows nothing but flat land all around Sydney.
    Maybe you needed the "please drive carefully" warning in NZ!!

    1. Jennie: My passport is in my maiden name and the boarding pass in the married name. Not sure why the passport is that way. My old passport was the same. But haven't travelled for sooo long.

  6. Sue wrote: "Great pic's. Can't wait to see what adventures Australia brings you.."

  7. Hi Alida,

    Mary wrote: "Leonard hasn't seen any pictures of Marcel fixing the van.He thinks he must be suffering from withdrawal.We saw the yellow-eyed penquins when we were travelling north from Christchurch to the ferry.Glad you are having such a good time."

  8. Hi Alida,

    Liz wrote: "Great photos, looks like you folks are having a wonderful time. Enjoy Australia and safe travels."
