Friday, March 9, 2012

Feb 28, 2012 Tue Day 19 Adelaide

Last morning with our new family.
We left their house at 7:15 am.  Ian drove us to the airport with the rental van for our 4th flight on this trip
He fell in love with big van, and decided to sell his 'Alfa Romeo'.  A little chauffeuring sideline?
While driving to the airport, the guys were trying to come up with a new name for the
GPS Chrissy lent us.  Ian came up with the name "Chrissy". and we all agreed she looked after us so
well, why not take her along on the journey across Australia.
Arrived at the airport at 8:30, and got through customs with no problems.  Except
Marcel forgot to take his laptop out of the bag.  Ian got me sooo hooked on coffee.
This morning he gave me 10/12 strength.  As soon as we got through customs, I
bought a 'flat white'.  Timmy's is history.
Skyped with Teresa and Erin  with brother Herman, and then chatted with son

On the tarmac to enter the plane to Adelaide. 

Leaving Sydney

Arriving in Adelaide. 

After safely arriving in Adelaide, we chose to take a 15 minute walk instead of taking a cab to pick up the motor home.  A couple of wheels on my suitcase didn't make it from the rough pavement.  Our first casualty in Australia.  But we saved a few bucks. lol
This motor home is a little newer, with a few more gadget, like air co.

We found Woolworth's (grocery store) and did a huge shopping.  (I think it should be
called ''goodies shopping''.  Beer, potato chips, peanuts, cookies, 5 bags of candies etc. 
The guys wore out the floor in the candy isle.  

Found our first Big 4 campsite in Adelaide.  Right on the beach.  The sand is even finer
than at the Sandbanks.  Peter and I walked down for some stunning sunset pics.  

Deciding what route to take tomorrow. 

We played some euchre on the much larger kitchen table than the first mh, enjoyed the
first of three package of TimTam cookies, and called it a night.

Love to you all 

And Marcel/Grandpa, Peter and Immy


  1. Sounds like this MH is quite the upgrade! Pretty beach, too bad you couldn't stay for a few days:)

  2. The photo of the sunset is gorgeous! Marcel looks so serious planning out tomorrow's trip. Enjoy!
    Thanks for getting the photo of Chrissy, Ian, Karena and Nathan all together!
